Freehold Residential Development Opportunity

Land off Wakefield Road, Ponefract WF8 4HW

We are delighted to offer for sale, this outstanding freehold, residential development opportunity ( 22 Houses), that benefits from an Outline Planning consent. The site is located within the historic market town of Pontefract (3-400M to the West of the town centre), which is situated approximately 8 miles East of Wakefield and less than 3 miles South of Castleford. Junction 32 of the M62 is located less than 1.5 miles North of the town centre and Pontefract Tanshelf railway station is located approximately 0.5 miles North of the subject site. The site is centred around Grid Reference SE452214.

The Site

The subject site extends to approximately 0.78 ha, (1.93 acres) and is the location of the now derelict building known as The Priory, with associated outbuildings. Aside of the remains of the building, the site is predominantly made up of scrub land and a wooded area. Historically a portion of the site was utilised as a sand quarry and this former usage is apparent within the site topography. The Southern site boundary rises steeply and prominent cliff faces are also evident in the Southwestern section. The site is made up of two parts, that bounded red on the site plan, which is the land within the planning consent and that edged Blue which is within our ownership, but sitting outside the consented scheme. Our strong preference is to sell the land in its entirety.

The site is bound by mainly residential properties to the East, beyond which is Mill Hill Road (A639). A section of the Northern site boundary has frontage onto Wakefield Road, with the remainder being bound by houses. To the West is a wooded area adjoining allotments and to the South further woodland beyond which lie residential properties (Mill Hill Lane). The site can only currently be accessed via a lane that runs adjacent to the Western boundary of the site. A number of other access points along Wakefield Road are all currently inaccessible due to either overgrown vegetation or being boarded up.


The site benefits from an Outline Planning Consent (ref: 19/02277/ OUT) for 22 dwellings, with all matters reserved with the exception of Access and Layout. The application was granted via appeal (ref: APP/ X4725/W/21/3268490). The Sec 106 Unilateral Undertaking (UU) is a favourable one, with the only payment being required, an off-site Affordable Housing contribution of £13,000. Signed copies of the Sec 106 UU, Decision and Appeal Notices and all relevant planning information can be found on the Documents and Downloads Page.

A substantial amount of technical due diligence has been carried out in support of the Outline Consent including a thorough intrusive site investigation and a tree survey. Full details of these reports and all other technical due diligence can be found on the Documents and Downloads page.

Blue Land

As outlined above, it would be our preference to sell this land along with that which comprises the planning consent. It is our opinion that the Blue Land, may have potential for residential development in the longer term and as such we would ask you to consider whether you would be willing to enter into an overage agreement on the same. Please include the terms of any proposed overage in your offer letter.

Tender Process

The land is for sale via informal tender. All tenders are to be received in writing at the following address by noon on Tuesday 3rd May:

First Floor Kenneth Hodgson House,
18 Park Row,
Leeds LS1 5JA.

We will accept electronic submissions provided the hard copy is in the post.

All tenders should be accompanied by a proposed layout and a completed bid pro-forma. The latter will be issued to parties on expression of their interest.

We will consider either Conditional or Unconditional proposals.



The site can be viewed readily from the access off Wakefield Road. This access can be found to the rear of Nos 29-61 Wakefield Road, up an unnamed access pretty much opposite Banks Avenue. Please take care when on-site due to uneven/ broken ground, obstacles and a shaft that accesses a cellar. Please refrain from entering the derelict building. Neither we or our clients will accept responsibility for any accidents or injuries that occur on the subject site.



For further information, please contact:

Guy Titchmarsh
Tel: 07946 510 343
     Cerian Soley
Tel: 07384 281 610